Replacement Windows – Carbon Footprint

Replacement Windows – Carbon Footprint

According to an article written by NAHB at

A 2008 California study showed that homes built before 1983 were responsible for 70% of the greenhouse gas emissions related to single-family envelope energy consumption.

The study also found that spending $10,000 to retrofit a 1960s home could save 8.5 tons of carbon at a cost of $588 to $1,176 per ton, depending on existing tax credits and incentives. By comparison, increasing the energy efficiency of a new home 35% over current state requirements would cost about $5,000 and would reduce emissions by 1.1 tons at a cost of $4,545 per ton.

The bottom line is that retrofitting existing homes with energy-efficient features is four to eight times more carbon- and cost-efficient than adding further energy-efficiency requirements to new housing, the study showed.

So as you can see, if you live in an older home you can make a much larger difference in reducing your carbon footprintprint than someone building a new home. With the new tax credits available and the immediate energy savings, you really owe it to yourself to make some energy efficient home improvements this year. You will get better pricing, better service and the best tax credits in history!

So what are you waiting for? Remember replacing your windows and doors is the only home improvement you can make that saves you money, increases your homes value and adds curb appeal to your home! If you need more info, give us a call 702-444-9515


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